Let’s see, I remember when tips were for people who actually provided some sort of personal service for me, personally. Now I know it’s really difficult to pour a cup of coffee -I drip all the time- so perhaps this is a skill that should be rewarded with a tip. Coffee is also dangerously hot so maybe hazard pay is also in order. I expect any day now my wife will place a tip jar on the kitchen counter next to the receipt for a pair of asbestos gloves. Will I tip her? Youbetcha.
I remember life before cellular phones. Has the smart phone made my life easier? Hmmm…, the jury’s out on this one.
Smartphone Downside:
I don’t have an excuse for not calling people right back.
I take terrible “Selfies”.
“Stocks App” – I don’t have any stocks and it makes me feel inadequate.
It’s impossible to misplace a pay phone.
Smartphone Upside:I no longer have to wrestle a drug dealer out front of the Quickie-Mart to use the pay phone.
Don’t have to memorize phone numbers.
With the “Map” function, I can always find my way home (My wife will argue whether or not this is an upside).
I can use the “Selfie” function on the camera to make sure there’s nothing stuck in my teeth (See wife comment above).