Who doesn’t like to travel; explore faraway places, eat exotic food, use long forgotten math skills to figure out how many pairs of underwear are necessary? I mean really, don’t want to get caught short (pun so intended).
Just returned from an awesome trip to Italy recently; Rome and Milan respectively. I believe these are the only places on earth without a Starbucks on every corner. Of course, there are coffee bars every five feet, so having caffeine withdrawals is not likely. The Italians are so much worse than us. We won’t drive more than a block to get our morning fix, and they won’t walk more than a few feet. Probably because they have cooler shoes and don't want to wear them out.
The Coliseum was… well…colossal. An ingenious feat of human imagination and engineering, I must say. So how come all the streets are uneven cobblestones? Does it take a genius to make a flat road? Just asking.
Oh, and I took my first trip through that naked camera thing at the airport. What the heck are the requirements for that job? Good eyesight and a strong stomach I think.
More on my trip later.
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