Sunday, June 8, 2014

McDonald’s to follow Seattle’s Lead

B yK.G.

Just as news of Seattle’s plan to begin raising the minimum wage to $15.00, burger giant McDonalds is tossing its own clown into the ring by doing something analysts  were sure would never happen; raise the wages paid to its employees. As one of the largest employers in the world, McDonald’s not only chose to follow Washington States lead, but have upped the ante in an attempt to ward off any future boycotts by the hundreds of thousands employees who daily serve the billions the fast food chain claims on its signs.

A spokesman for the company explained that the minimum wages paid would be bolstered by the addition of “Happy Bucks” that could be used to purchase items off the extensive menu, which when added to the current wage would bring the new hourly wage up near the $20.00 mark.  “Employees are pretty thrilled about this new program,” an unnamed manager was quoted as saying.

On a side note, Civil Rights Lawyer Gloria Allred is filing a class-action lawsuit on behalf of the predominantly Catholic workforce. Allred said, “We won’t be happy until the Fish Sandwich is included in the deal.”

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