Friday, July 18, 2014


It’s been quite a week, no?  Things seem to be heating up quickly, which is no surprise considering who is running the asylum we call home.  Dare I say the devil’s in the details? Oh, you know I do.

So much liberal vs conservative rhetoric being bandied about has got me thinking.  Who dunked the world in a giant vat of Kool-Aid?  Oh, yes, brothers and sisters, that deceiver and father of all lies; the guy formerly known as “Prince of this World”; you guessed it, the Devil. It seems that this administration (talking the devil here, not the president; but I can understand the confusion) has swept rationality under the tree-hugging, global-warming, climate -changing,  “we’re all racists” rug along with pretty much all propriety and good old American common sense. There are so many lines being drawn in the sand between believers and non-believers, and in some cases, between believers and believers, that most Christians who believe every jot and tittle of the Word is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help me God,  can feel the ocean lapping on their heels.

The lines are being blurred. Two cases in point:

A Christian teenager I know has expressed views that kind of surprised me. He said he won’t eat at one burger franchise because of the overtly sexual content of their ads, but sees no reason to avoid another burger chain who has decided to dedicate a burger to a small segment of the population and have kidnapped God’s rainbow, slapping it on a burger wrapper as some kind of weird statement about us all being the same inside. Really? Can't a hamburger just be a hamburger.  And besides, wouldn’t a hot dog in a hamburger bun have been more apropos? (That was a joke. Not a hater, racist or homophobe.)

The second one is about a video I was watching the other day. They were discussing climate change, weather remodeling or atmospheric alterations; I can’t remember; whatever it’s called this week.  The question of Christians came up. It was stated because of our unwillingness to believe their “truth,” we would most likely have to be re-educated. Huh? Calling George Orwell.  But that wasn’t the interesting part. He said because we refuse to believe this “truth” about climate change doesn’t change the facts, and that if they’re wrong on this, no harm, no foul, but if they’re right, well, buddy, the Christian naysayers are in trouble. Now, I ask you, if I exchanged their truth for our truth, you’d basically have the message we’ve been trying to get them to understand. It’s a matter of semantics. That not believing in God or Jesus doesn’t mean they just cease to exist. The only difference is if the climate guys are right we get a little hotter, but if we’re right….

Maybe we could use this to open up a dialogue.


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